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Top Trends Being Adopted by Funeral Homes

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Today, there is more to funeral homes than burial and memorial services. Funeral home directors have realised that staying on top of industry trends is the only way to succeed. Most importantly, it allows them to provide grieving families with unrivalled service delivery. However, it is challenging for clients to move from one funeral home to another, looking for trends that will genuinely improve their funeral experience. This post simplifies the process for customers by highlighting critical trends to look for when searching for a funeral home.

Grief Therapy Animals

Although therapy animals are not new to hospitals and schools, their use in funeral homes is just beginning to gain traction. Just like in hospitals, licensed grief therapy dogs have become a hit in funeral homes. Properly trained canines can sit with families to share the burden of grief. The dogs are particularly beneficial to young children who have lost a loved one. They also liven up the sombre mood synonymous with funeral homes, making the environment more bearable for grieving families and friends. Therefore, next time you are looking for a funeral home, choose one with grief therapy animal services.

Funeral Broadcasting Services

Losing a loved one is overwhelming, and you need all the support you can get from family and friends. Unfortunately, it can be challenging if loved ones cannot attend a funeral service for various reasons. For instance, sick people and those in foreign countries cannot participate in a funeral service. In such cases, a funeral home should make it easy for close relatives and friends to be part of a funeral service. Consequently, modern funeral homes are introducing funeral broadcasting services to allow people to congregate, albeit virtually. Funeral broadcasting services mean a lot to grieving families because they know loved ones are watching and sharing their pain.

Green Burials

Cremation rates have been on the rise for a couple of years now due to the affordability and environmental friendliness of the service. However, funeral homes have not stopped at cremation and are embracing other green trends, such as pod burials. Although not mainstream, pod burials are an alternative to conventional green burial methods. It involves placing the deceased in a biodegradable container and burying it in the soil. A tree, selected by the deceased before passing on, is then planted on top of the pod and acts as the memorial. Notably, most funeral homes provide green burial services upon request.
