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Prepaid Funerals as Gifts: Three Signs You Should Buy Your Loved One a Prepaid Funeral

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Prepaid funerals give consumers the ability to plan their funerals while they are alive and lock in the price. Many people buy prepaid funerals so that upon their passing, their loved ones can focus on grieving rather than funeral prep. However, you don't only have the option to buy your own funeral. In some cases, you can buy a prepaid funeral as a gift for someone.

Wondering if you should buy your loved one a prepaid funeral? Here are three signs it is a good gift idea in your situation:

1. Burial or other expensive death rituals are important to your loved one

Many people have strong feelings about what they want to happen to them after death. Many people, for example, want to be buried, but that can be cost prohibitive. Compared to cremation, in particular, burial can be expensive. By buying your loved one a prepaid funeral, you put their mind at rest regarding what is going to happen to them after death.

However, a desire for burial doesn't have to be the reason to buy your loved one a prepaid funeral. If your loved one is worried about the cost of anything related to his or her funeral, buying him or her a prepaid one can be a giant relief. Now, your loved one doesn't have to worry about saving or about being a burden on other family members after his or her passing.

2. Your loved one is open to talking about death

Buying a prepaid funeral for someone isn't a simple gift like a pot of jam or a t-shirt. Instead, it is an emotion-filled gift. If your loved one is comfortable talking about death and you know he or she will be touched by the gesture, go ahead and buy him or her a prepaid funeral.

On the other hand, if you think your loved one may be insulted – for example, if you think he or she will think you are rushing him or her toward his or her end days, or if he or she hates talking about death – you may want to refrain from buying this type of gift.

To be on the safe side, don't buy a prepaid funeral as a surprise. Instead, talk with your loved one to see how he or she feels first.

3. Your loved one plans to stay in the same area for their final years

In most cases, prepaid funerals have to be redeemed at the funeral home at which they were purchased. If you are buying your loved one a prepaid funeral at a local funeral home, you need to be fairly certain that your loved one is planning to stay near that area and not move across the country.

If you are worried about your loved one moving but still want to buy a prepaid funeral, consider buying one at a chain so it can be redeemed in multiple funeral homes or talk with the funeral director to ensure the package you buy is refundable.

For more information about prepaid funerals, contact a local funeral home like Farrell & O' Neill Funerals
